Thursday, April 22, 2010


Getting ready to go on vacation is exhausting, you really need a vacation after all the work it takes! Also I think all this disturbance in our life is bothering Alison. She had a horrible time trying to fall asleep tonight.

Yesterday I was able to play with Alison a bunch, I was cleaning and doing laundry on the side but not packing. She loves to play and neither of us like it when she has to entertain herself. But today with the packing... poor Ali had to entertain herself quite a bit. Luckily she has a Bumbo so I can put her in that and surround her with her toys and move her to whatever room I happen to be in.

The new family room has been a complete blessing. I have a place to put the baby when I am cleaning in the kitchen, making tea or a sammy. I play a music CD for her and make faces at her and its just wonderful having her right there in my sight.

Here are some pictures from yesterday of the family room kitchen:

Hello baby Alison! thats a nice pink Bumbo!

Ok here is the kitchen, with cheese on the countertop :) Making hamburgers!

Her you can see the countertop. Its basically one big room with an island in between. See Ali playing with her lovie!
The family room isn't completly orgnized yet but its getting there, I think it looks good so far and it sure makes life easier!!


  1. Wow, I love the color of your kitchen and family room. It is beautiful. Did you do this yourself. :O


  2. I think since you are on vacation you would have more time to update your Blog. I am waiting on a new one to see what you did while on vacation.
