I dressed Alison up in her new 'mommy-made' dress. I think she looked pretty darn cute! Here she is with her lovie.
She looks awefully sneaky in this picture!
Alison and Grady get along really well! Alison had fun playing footsie with Grady and even managed to grab his foot with her hand. It was awefully cute. Jessie and I didn't even notice when they started, lol, cute babies!
What a handsome baby!
I tried to get Alison to take a nap in Grady's pack and play but she wasn't having it. I took her dress off because I thought the knots in the back might have been keeping her awake, no. Finally we gave up and let the babies play together again.
Can you believe that Ali is 10 weeks older? They look like they could have been born on the same day!
Smile Grady!
Alison really liked Grady's quilt
And of course I had to hold the little cutie!!
I had so much fun today! I love visiting with Jessie, I am going to miss her so much when she moves!
Both babies are really cute, but I think the girl is the cutest. Yes by far. Her diaper is whiter, her hands are prettier, and her hair is more silky. She smells better too. I tlhink I choose her as the winner.
I think Grady's grandparents might disagree! LOL, but I sure am glad you love little Ali!