Monday, January 14, 2013

No Nap Time!

I told Alison she could play quietly in her bed.
She took that as "I will move all my toys onto the bed and play quietly"
this is what I found when I went to check on her, and yes she is having a tea party complete with her doll table and chairs on her bed.
I think next time I will have to make me intent a bit more clear.
(don't you just want to cut those bangs!! It's so hard not too!! I hope they hurry up and grow out already!!)

Look at those stormy blue eyes.
Baba sewed Ethan up a Pokey Little Puppy crib sheet. He is also supposed to be taking a nap but is happily playing in his bed as well, minus all the toys.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Japan Life

One of the most wonderful things about living in Okinawa is the wonderful friends we have made!
Crystal and her girl scout daughter, who Alison adores, is one of my mommy friends who had a baby boy a couple weeks after I had Ethan.
She called me up and asked if the kids and I would like to go to "Sushi go Round" which is what American's call any Japanese restaurant where there sushi goes by on a little conveyer belt and you grab what you want as it passes by. It's funny the names people come up with for places around town but necessary since no Americans that I know read Japanese!

We are in a area of town called "American Village" and its a fun place to shop and eat.

You know how much something cost by the plate it comes on. 
This is an egg salad sushi roll, I have no idea what kind of egg but it tasted good!

Alison, (ugg her bangs I know!! we are letting them grow out) really loved eating here!

She even tried some fried shrimp!


At this particular eatery there are two things I really like.
When you walk in the little area right before you actually go into the restaurant (the place most stores have to help keep the air conditioning inside) There is a sink to wash your hands! So you don't have to go into the bathroom you can wash up right when you walk in! The other thing is the tea! Instead of them bringing it to you, they have a little hot water dispenser at each table where you can fill your cup up and then grab a little bag of green tea to brew a nice fresh cup to your liking.

Crystal filling up her tea cup and her daughter trying to decide what to try next! 

As you can imagine, blond hair is a rarity in Japan so Japanese people, especially the women, really like to give Alison attention and take her picture.

A another fun thing about Japan is the creative ways they spell and put together American words.
This place is called "Bakary Cafe Happy" and it smelled really good, Alison and I might have to go back sometime for a fresh from the "van turned oven" bread

Chris was able to have some quiet time at home and
Ethan slept for pretty much our entire outing. It's funny to think that for Ethan Japan is "home".

Friday, January 11, 2013


Ethan smiles A LOT! He is such a joyful baby and I feel so blessed that God gave him to me!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Baby Love

Alison really wishes she was small enough for this swing.
Overall my opinion about baby gear is that most of it is unnecessary (of course there are obvious exceptions: clothing, place to sleep, car seat, stroller...) but when it came to the swing it was the one unnecessary baby item I didn't want to do without. Alison had one when she was a baby and it was one of the only things that helped our crying baby Alison fall asleep. Ethan is so mellow but he still really likes sleeping in the comfort of the swing.
Alison will rock herself like this for 20-60 minutes.
I wonder if she remembers her own time passed sleeping away in the swing?

Ethan is growing so quickly.


Ethan really seems to enjoy sitting quietly and looking around at things.

Alison has been potty training and we got her some "potty presents"
She is really into mommy and baby so when I saw this matching game I knew she would like it.
instead of matching up identical cards you match up the mommy animal with the baby animal.
I tried to play the memory game with her where you flip the card over and try to find the match but she enjoyed matching them up side by side without using them as a game more.
Her favorite set is the Seahorse mommy and her fry babies.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Sunday

Handsome little guy sleeping before we go to church 

After church grocery shopping!
Alison decided that Buddy needed to go to church and shopping as well.

We tried out the cart baby thing....Although Ethan looked pretty darn cute, we finally found something he is still too small for.

We ended up propping him up with his blanket so he wouldn't tip over :)
Isn't he the handsomest baby you've ever seen?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

I'm a Baby too!

I found a bib yesterday when I was out shopping in town with my friend Crystal. It's one of those plastic ones with the catch all at the end. Its decorated in space themed images and I thought it was cute and would be handy to have for Ethan. I didn't know that when Alison saw it she would want to wear it!

 Alison being silly for the camera.
This morning she wanted to drink out of her tea cup. I give her tea in hopes that she will develop a taste for it. Green tea, peppermint tea and chamomile are the ones I would really like for her to learn to drink since green tea is so healthy (and they make a caffeine free version) and peppermint tea is soothing for a sore throat/congestion and a bunch of other things (and it taste good) and of course chamomile for the obvious relaxing sleepy effect.

What a ham!
While we eat I put Ethan in the high chair along with some toys for him to play with.
Of course Alison has to play with those too.

Ethan looks like he is really focusing on what she's doing.

And that's that little brother!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day With Dad!

Mommy got Alison's day started with her usual oatmeal and this morning she wanted water AND milk.

After we got dressed daddy took my camera and Alison down to the playground!
I got to spend some quality time with Ethan :)