Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

When I was pregnant with Alison, before we knew if she was going to be a boy or a girl I made a promise to Chris that no matter what the sex of our baby he could dress her up as Yoda and carry her around dressed as Luke Skywalker for our baby's first Halloween. Of course I dressed up as Princess Leia.

My family!
Chris and I are good friends with our hair stylist Michelle. We stopped by so she could see Alison in her costume.

We had to stop by Target to get some formula

Alison was a good sport about the hat

Alison walking with mommy

Daddy and Alison

baby step!

Trick or Treat!

Best daddy ever!

We went trick or treating with some friends who have 2 kids. It was a really great time.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Nite nite!

Daddy trying to get Alison to smile by tickling her belly


Whenever I put Alison to bed I always say "Nite nite, mommy loves you" before I close the door.

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Lawn

Chris is on a mission to tear up our old grass and plant new grass one section at a time. His test patch went well so he has started another little patch. He is one hard worker!
Daddy playing in the dirt

Alison wanted to come outside and see daddy

You can tell what side of her face she took a nap on :) And she has shoes on, cute little purple ones

Drinking a bottle, of course

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Alison in her cute Halloween outfit.

Scary face!

holding onto moms leg.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Here Comes The Sun!

Ok...I might have gone a little over board with the pictures but playing outside on the rug was a lot of fun. We were listening to music the weather was *Perfect*, it really felt like we were in a little backyard paradise.

Ali playing with her toys

hanging out outside with mom

excuse the grass, our mower broke so....yea...its kinda tall. Chris has been using the weed wacker in the front yard. Poor daddy.

Standing up all by herself

All the way up!

what a big girl!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Rainy Day

The weather here for the past few weeks has been so dreary! I am looking forward to getting our sunshine back! Alison and I have been spending a lot of time cooped up inside. Even my folks trip was dampened by melancholy weather.

Marty is sitting in the glider rocking chair in Alison's room watching Alison play on the floor. Marty doesn't want Alison to bother him but he seems to like watching her. And yes Marty is sitting like a person, I haven't had the heart to tell him he's not.

Alison wanted to sit in the chair with Marty! Unfortunately Marty ran off as soon as she decided she wanted up in the chair.

inspecting the rocking chair
Nap time. I don't think I have blogged about Alison's new fish lights and music crib thing. It's pretty neat it plays almost 30 minutes of music and the fish 'swim'. The best part, there is a remote that you can hang on the door nob to push if you need to start the music over again. Of course Alison has to have Monkey to sleep with.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Up Late

Alison did not want to go to sleep tonight! These pictures were taken at 9:30 when I decided that rocking and patting were just not going to do the trick. She was just not tired!
I brought her downstairs so we could watch Your Baby Can Read video and calm down enough to go to sleep. The video ended around 10pm and Alison was finally ready to go to bed. I guess sometimes you just aren't ready to go to sleep!

Alison in her cute princess pajamas. You can't really see in the picture but the dresses of the princesses are glittery.

Alison watching her video. What pretty eyes

She's getting sleepy!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

New Outdoor Rug!

A few weeks ago the Costco by our house was carrying 6X9 recycled water bottle rugs for $22. We put off getting it and then we were finally ready to get one, Costco was out. I was really bummed because outdoor rugs are not cheap. I looked online trying to find a $20-30 rug and could not find one under $80....

Chris happened across giant Costco. A Costco bigger than our Costco. We went there for fun to see how different it is and they had the outdoor rug!! We snatched up the last brown one an loaded it into the car. Alison didn't seem to mind the intrustion.

Alison having to share her space with an outdoor rug.

Really excited to use it! The weather is going to have to shape up a little first!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Last Day

Last Day of Boompa and JG's visit. Boompa finished the table he made for us last night and we were able to eat a fare well breakfast on it this morning befire they headed back home.

TA-DA! Our new outdoor table! Isn't it pretty?
Chris and I both really like our new table.
Now we just need some chairs...

Chris brought some inside chairs outside for us and Alison sat next to Boompa in her Bumbo

JG doesn't want to leave Alison

But leave they must.
Boompa and JG pulling out of our driveway starting their trip back home

Friday, October 22, 2010

Last Dinner with the Grandparents

My mom likes Coco's Bakery so for their last night we went there for dinner. Alison is really turning into a little kid wanting to look over the back of the seat and see what everyone is eating, and if it looks good try it. She did, for the first time, slurp up spaghetti noodles. It was pretty darn cute.

Ali looking over the back of the seat.

Eating dessert!

Ali loves hanging out with her dad!