Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I only took two pictures today... and neither one is that great... Oh well here they are!
Alison crawled over to her toys and of course goes for the book! Thats my little girl!
I love the little pink buttons on her rear end

Monday, August 30, 2010

9 Month Old Doctors Appointment

Well... I told a half truth to Alison today. I assured her she wasn't going to get any shots today. Today was her 9 month old check up and they had assured me 'oh she won't get any shots for this one!' Well... she might not have gotten a shot but they stuck her finger with a needle to draw blood! Isn't that pretty much the same thing as a shot to someone as little as Alison? She surely didn't enjoy it.

I don't know how much Alison understands me but I told her, "Oh don't worry honey nothing is going to happen today, they are just going to check you out, everything is going to be ok" and then they poke her!

Other than that the doctor's appointment went well, Alison knows that everytime she is in that building she is going to get stuck with a needle so she cries almost the entire time, poor little thing. She stops the moment she see's that we are leaving. I do everything I can to try and make her happy, I bring all her favorite toys and snacks, I sing to her and pat her back, I walk around with her and say soothing words... but there is no fooling her! They might have fooled mommy but she knew better!

Alison was too upset at the doctors office for me to take any pictures. Here is her finger wrapped in a cartoon band aid.

She is pretty tired from the whole ordeal.

After her nap we play and enjoy the rest of our day, I have no idea where the band aid went to... probably under her crib somewhere.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Look Who's 9 Months Old!

Alison turned 9 months old today so daddy and I put her in a pretty dress and took a bunch of pictures. We couldn't be more proud of our little girl!

Little angel

Alison can:
-take baby steps if someone is holding her hands
-kind of crawl (not very fast or anything but hse can get from A to B)
-loves to look at herself in the mirror
-says 'da da' all the time and sometimes 'ma ma' but only once in a blue moon
-likes watchign other children and animals
-can go from laying down on her tummy or back and mover herself up to the sitting up position
-can sit up really well, she harly ever tumbles over anymore
-loves playing 'patty-cake' with mommy and claps her hands all by herself
-has been dedicated at church
-sleeps in a lower crib than she did when she first came home
-has 5 teeth!
-is extremly loved

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dinner Party

Tonight we went to Chris' new Master Sgt.'s house. He seems like a really nice guy and his family is really polite and nice. His girls were such good little hostesses getting everyone's drinks filled up, it's really nice to see young ladies using such good manners.

They have a pool and the children swam and Alison had a great time watching them. She is so interested in seeing what other little kids are up to.
Daddy and Alison sitting on the ground next to the pool watching the kids

This is great mom!

Mommy and Alison checking out some twinkle lights that were hung up around the porch, Alison found these to be very interesting.

Friday, August 27, 2010

A Day at the Park

Alison went to play at a park for the first time today! We had a lot of fun showing her the slide, the bouncer (easily her favorite thing) and the big metal fort.

Alison about to go down a slide with daddy for the very frst time

Good job daddy and Ali!

Alison really liked the bouncer

"Hey Daddy, look at me!"

She really liked looking down at mommy from the big metal fort

This is kind of like my crib...

Very interesting

Looking down at the other children playing

Alison on the swing, we think it kind of scared her so we didn't swing very long.

Back on the bouncer, this we like!

And of course we spent some time just sitting in the safety of daddy's lap just watching all the other children play.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

So Glad!

Today Ali and I played and enjoyed having Chris back home!

Making a funny face in the morror while wearing her "if mom says no, ask grandma" onsie.
I cleaned and hung this mirror back up but Ali liked it so much it came right back down and got covered in finger marks all over again, completly worth it.

Alison really likes her Pooh Table

Alison is So Glad that her daddy is home! Here Alison is spending time with daddy in the office upstairs!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Emily's Last Day and Daddy Returns!

Emily has to work tomorrow back in LA so today is her last day. But Alison and I wont be alone for long! Daddy comes home tonight! He got home so late that I didn't take any pictures. We picked him up from the airport at 11:30!

Alison had some yogurt and baby rice cereal before we left and she got to use her special bib, made just for her by Great Grandma Edith, it is so soft and pretty!

Can I have some more yogurt please?

Emily wanted to find a tea infuser, so we went to a couple places, and we went to Michaels becuase its just fun to go there.

Alison is a pirate

She likes being a pirate!

We said our good-bye's to Aunte Em and she was on her way back to LA. I got Alison to bed early to make up for having to wake her up to pick up daddy! He offered to get a cab so Alison could just sleep but I knew Alison wanted to see her daddy as much as her daddy wanted to see her!

Alison was pretty tired when I put her in the car seat but when we got in the car she talked and gurgled the whole way there. And then when daddy got in the car she was laughing so hard it made all of us laugh. She was so happy to see daddy at long last!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Old Town!

We had a bit of a late start today since we stayed out so late last night. We wanted to make sure Alison was well rested. So this afternoon we headed out for Old Town, called so becuase its the oldest town in San Diego.
We went to a free stable museum

Here is Ali in front of a Wells Fargo Mail carriage, can you imagine Grandpa Garry driving this to deliver the mail?

The wheel is bigger than Alison and her buggy!

We were having a lot of fun

There are a lot of shops in Old Town, they have a variety of different things, like this baby sized umbrella!

And this colorful hat!

By the end of the day Alison was tired and Emily and I were ready to go home for a good dinner.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Taking Aunte Em' to Balboa Park!

My good friend Emily, she has come to visit before you can find her in some of my older post, came to visit us today! Emily has been my friend since the 3rd grade. Today we decided it would be fun to spend the day at Balboa park.
Aunte Em loves pushing Alison in her stroller

It was a bright day so mommy made sure Alison was protected with suncreen, a hat, a her sunglasses.

Emily cooling off in the Balboa fountain with the children

Mommy and Alison checking out the fountain

Aunte Em took Alison in for a closer look

Alison likes the fountain and she likes watching the children playing in it.

Smile for mommy Alison

We went to the artistic village in Balboa Park. Its a place where all these artist work and sell their art. We both thought the painted stones were pretty.

Mommy and Alison under an arch in the sculptors guild area.

After walking around for awhile we decided it was time to get some food and spread out our picnic blanket in the shade of a tree. Alison got to eat some of mommy's chicken from her grilled chicken sandwhich. She really likes it (especially when mommy put a little ketchup on it!) Here is Alison licking the ketchup that didnt quite make it into her mouth.

Alison trying to crawl

Why am I not moving forward?

Aunte Em helps Alison take baby steps

Alison loves her Aunte Em

Mommy and Alison

Alison in front of the lilly pad and coy pond

We got lucky that we picked today to go to Balboa park becuase it was Silent Movie Night at the Spreckles Organ! They were showing the 1927  movie The Yankee Clipper. It didn't occur to me until we were half way through the movie but it was Alison's first time going to a movie!

Alison points out that the projector screen in front of the organ.

We got there really early and were able to watch them set up, they are all volunteers to sometimes things had to come down and then up again :)

Here we are with front row seats! The average attendance for Silent Movie Night is 3,000. Every seat is filled and people start sitting on the ground. Alison had a good time watching all the people.

But when Alison got restless we took turns walking around the pavillion with her

When night fell they started the movie and we got to see 'Hop-Alomg Cassidy' (William Boyd) before he ever did a western movie.

Alison didn't stay awake for the whole movie, it was pretty late I was surprised she stayed up as long as she did! But she was really good and didn't throw a crying fit once!

We took this picture of the Organ pavillion when we were walking back to the car, the picture is no where near as pretty as it actually was, all the little lights shining in the dark ourlining the pavillion. We had a really fun day.