Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oklahoma Trip entry #2

There hasn't been too much to report on lately. We have been staying at my folks house most of the time although yesterday I went to Saturday morning breakfast at IHOP, I have to admit I miss going to Cracker Barrel (that place is so good and i like the atmosphere) and today we all went to church.

I haven't been keeping my blog up as well as I normally try to becuase I tend to stay up way too late with my mom. I think she is excited about us being here. She loves to hold Alison, I think if I let her she would hold Ali all day and night. Alison has her wrapped around her little finger.

Here are the past few days in pictures!

May 28, 2010

My brother wanted to take a picture of all our hands together (my mom, Alison and I) but Ali thought it was really fun and couldn't hold still.

At the dog park, Boompa takes his dogs there almost every day. Lady sat in front of Alison almost the whole time and made sure the other dogs didn't bother her.


Alison gets a bath in Boompa and JG's kitchen sink

getting clean!

May 29, 2010

Alison gets a kiss from her great-aunt Jeanie at IHop family breakfast

Saturday morning family breakfast-and yes they all planned to wear red.

Saturday Boompa and I watched some Doctor Who on Netflix and of course I played with Alison. Alison and I didn't go tot he dog park with JG and Boompa today though. Alison was taking a nap and I wantd to stay with her in case she woke up.

May 30, 2010

After church with JG!

Alison's great aunt Becky cam over to see her and brought her grandson (my cousin Brooke's son) along, he really liked Alison.

Alison's great uncle Steve

Grandmother with two of her great-grandkids. By the end of the year she will have 5 great grand children. Brook's son and daughter, my daughter, Janelle's daughter, & Greg's daughter

I went with my dad to the dog park, we went after Alison's bedtime because it was so hot during the day time. There were a lot of dogs and for awhile they were all playing together.

Lady liked sitting at my feet. She is a good dog.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

First Day in Oklahoma!

Today was our first full day in Oklahoma! Alison and I woke up early to go with Boompa to visit Great-Grandma and Grandpa as well as the Great Aunts. They meet every morning for coffee and toast. They were very excited to meet Alison.

After visiting with the family Alison and I joined Boompa at work for about an hour. He showed off Alison to everyone there, I think he is a little proud of her.

JG, Justin, Boompa, Alison and I all went to the Skervin for lunch, it was really good. Justin loves that hotel, he is a big history person.

Alison played with her Uncle Justin and her Monkey while we ate

Great-Grandmother or Mo-mo meet up with is this evening and joined us for a trip to the dog park. Alison loved the dog park. She likes being outside and the dogs barking makes her laugh. She sat on Mo-mo's lap the whole time and was happy to be there. I think Chris and I, confirmed cat people, are in for a dog if Alison keeps up her doggie-love!

Mo-mo and Alison meet for the first time in front of Boompa's house!

Boompa and JG walking over a small bridge to get to the dog park

Mo-mo holding Alison at the park

Alison having fun, she giggled so much!

The dogs had fun too, here they are playing in the water
Boompa's dogs are really great. They behave really well and can do some tricks. They really love Boompa and don't like for him to be out of their sight when they are at the park.

Boompa and his dogs

Mo-mo, Mommy and Alison

"I think somethings up there!"
The girls when we came back form the dog park, in front of Boompa's house.

Here is what happened the past few days that I didn't blog (too busy!)

May 24, 2010

Daddy got Alison a 'Daddy Loves me' Book, Chris loves reading to Ali.

Playing with baby!

I made a happy birthday sign after Chris went to bed so he would be surprised when he woke up and walked down stairs.

May 25, 2010

The birthday daddy!
Getting ready to go to work

I made Chris special breakfast! I wish I would have had a birthday candle so I could have stuck it in the middle but the tea light worked too!

Chris at PB Bar and Grill for his birthday dinner! Taco Tuesday!

Alison having fun at daddy's birthday dinner!

May 26, 2010

Daddy saying good-bye to Alison at the airport, Ali doesn't seem to happy to be leaving her daddy.

Alison loved her daddy and he loves her

Flying by myself was pretty exhausting. I didn't take any pictures of the trip because I well, traveling with a baby by yourself is really hard!

but here we are after we landed!

JG was so happy to see Alison!

Boompa loves his Alison too! He was so happy to see her!

My brother Justin holding Alison for the first time! It was so great to be welcomed to Oklahoma by the smiling faces of my family after an exhausting day of traveling!

We went to visit my sister Sarah and Alison had so much fun meeting her cousins, she laughed a lot! I'll post pictures of that later, I'll have to get them from Boompa. But it was wonderful getting to see them all and her 3 kids have grown so much! They are all amazing and we were really happy to be there.

CLICK HERE to read more about being picked up at the airport, its a link to my father's blog and he wrote more details than me!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Last of Lost

We started today by going to Sunday brunch at Gringos! They have a really great buffet. We met up with Ritchie and his girlfriend Monique. Alison was a perfect little lady. She makes me one proud mama. They had all you can drink mimosas for $4 more and the boys opted for them. I wish I would have taken a picture of some of the food we ate because it was really great.

My handsome husband in front of Gringos

Ali making friends

After brunch we went over to Ben and Monica’s. Their little daughter has grown so much and is already 9 pounds! She was asleep for our entire visit but their son was awake and happy. We really enjoy their company and it was nice to stop by and visit.

Monica and her 9 pound baby

Monica's son saying goodbye to 'Baby Alison'

We got home and invited Evan, his new wife Jessica, and his friend Patrick to come over for a visit. It was nice to see them and congratulate them on getting married.

Chris had his haircut today but, amazingly, he moved it to later in the day. For the past 5 years he gets his haircut at noon on Sunday (although after a year of trying to talk him into changing his haircut time, for the first time today he said it might ‘not be a bad idea’).

Our hair dresser, Michelle, is a good friend of ours. Chris invited her and her mother over to visit for a while. I asked Chris to get some ‘snacks’ for company. I like having some sort of food to put out when we have people visiting. He got some lemon poppy scones and some red pepper hummus. I was really looking forward to our visit with her but she canceled something about not feeling well. I think we might have to give up on Michelle for awhile; she doesn’t seem interested in being social with us. Oh well, more lemon poppy scones for us!

Tonight is the last episode of Lost. It makes me sad. I used to watch Lost with my roommate Catrina. We would get our pillows and watch it while lounging on her queen sized bed. For those of you who don’t know Catrina was a beautiful person, she was one of my best friends and she shot herself in 2007 a month after I had graduated and moved out of our apartment. I really blamed myself for not being there for her when she needed me but I suppose you can’t be everywhere. Catrina and I were inseparable; we did everything together. We had sushi nights, we cooked together, she was like a sister, like a twin. I miss her so very much and the end of Lost feels like losing the last connection I had to her. I guess it’s kind of silly, but it was something we did together and now, even if she was here, it’s over.

Catrina's wedding, I was fortunate enough that she asked me to be her maid of honor.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


This is a two for one! Yesterday we went out to dinner with our friend Ritchie. He used to live here in San Diego when he was a Marine but moved to Texas when he got out. It was his 30th birthday, I am so glad we got to spend some time with him! Alison and I went back home and let daddy go out with Ritchie and another of our friends who flew into town. They went to the gas lamp and according to Chris had a really great time.

Ali and Ritchie

Alison was so cute at the restaurant. She was smiling and just being a little charmer. When she got sleepy and upset it was cute too because she was all pouty and rubbing her eyes. But then, I'm her mom and I think the sun shines out of her cute little tush.

Alison and I went straight home and she went straight to bed and I enjoyed a nice quiet evening watching Netflix online. I really like Netflix online; it makes watching movies so easy.

We got a new stroller! It’s actually a replacement stroller for the one that got smooshed by Southwest on the way home from Kentucky… Southwest is not responsible for any damage done to baby items… which stinks... Chris said we might be able to get a Bob Revolution stroller with some of our tax return money. The Bob is a really great stroller but its a bit more than $50.

Our old stroller... this bar isn't supposed to be bent : (
The new stroller is in the background (the Graco box)

Today we are just hanging out at home being pretty lazy actually. It’s still early so we might do something this evening but for now, relaxing sounds pretty darn good. In a few days Alison and I will be getting ready to visit Boompa and JG and on the 25th we will be celebrating Chris’ 27th birthday. He hasn’t decided what he wants to do yet but I’m sure we will think of something.

Yesterday (May 21) Ali at home in the morning

I think this picture is funny, I love Alison

I have no idea what she is looking at, but its a cute picture! I love Chris' face in this one, he is a really great dad.

hey mom!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Car Decals

My friend Jessie gave me some Marine family car Decals (My Military Hero). They are so cute! She gave them to me ages ago and I finally got around to putting them on the old Vibe today. I have never put stickers on my car before so it was kind of fun.


A closer view, cute little military family
I also got a graduation announcement from my cousin today! I wish I would have know the date a little sooner, we could have probably drove out there for it but instead Alison and I are going to be in Oklahoma, and that’s a little too far to drive. Oh well, she knows we love her and we do wish that we could be there to cheer for her and her accomplishments.

The pretty announcement

She sent a nice picture with her announcement. It’s pretty crazy her graduating from High School. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen her and it really does feel like she has grown up over night.

My beautiful little cousin

I am looking forward to spending some time in Oklahoma. Living in San Diego is really nice but you do miss out on a lot of stuff that goes on with the family. This year we are going to try and make it for Thanksgiving. I guess the thing about being a military family is you are never 100% certain of your schedule but right now it looks as though we might get lucky. Chris hasn’t been to Oklahoma since we got married. It will be fun re-introducing him to everyone.

Now, Alison!
think.. think.. think..
"What are these?!"

"Whatever they are, they sure are interesting!"

The weekend is drawing near! Any plans?